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Following the 2021 Minecraft mob vote, the newest addition to the game was decided to be the Allay. Allays look very much like little fairies and are not based on any real animals. They fly in the air and share a striking resemblance to the hostile vex mobs summoned by Evokers in Woodland Mansions.

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Allays are not all just for looks, even though they are adorable and reminiscent of Navi from Legend of Zelda. They actually do have quite a bit of utility to them, which can help players greatly on their Minecraft journey. Here’s what to know about the Allays, and how they can be found, tamed, and made use of.


Updated June 2, 2023 by Stephen LaGioia: The blocky sandbox epic Minecraft has continued to thrive, thanks in part to the consistent stream of updates small and large. Even a seemingly more marginal addition, like the fairy-esque Allays, has made an impact in terms of fan attention and the game experience itself.

As players are increasingly finding, there is more to these little guys than meets the eye. And with the recent 1.19.1 update adding another neat feature involving Allays, it seemed time to revisit and add to this handy guide.

Allays: An Overview

Image from Minecraft showing two Allays.

Allays are unique in that they are a rather small flying mob that is passive. Where they really stand out, aside from their fantasy fairy-like appearance, is their ability to deliver and move items around for players that give it one. They also have a fondness for Note Blocks and jukeboxes, which will be elaborated on later.

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In a sense, Allays are a sort of floating assistant when it comes to items. Their neon, light blue texture allows them to stand out in the dark, though this is not strong enough to light up their surroundings.

Where To Find Allays

Minecraft Allay Cage Outside Of Pillager Outpost

Allays are mobs that are often imprisoned by Illagers. As such, to find them and rescue them, players will need to either head over to a Pillager Outpost or to a Woodland Mansion.

At a Pillager Outpost, look for a cage outside the main tower. There can be multiple Allays here that can be interacted with. There may be one to three in each cage at any given time, and they spawn at a 50 percent chance.

If players find themselves in a Woodland Mansion, which is much harder to find, they should look for cobblestone cells in the prison room which often spawn inside the mansion. Given how rare Woodland Mansions are, players are better off seeking Allays by heading over to the closest Pillager Outpost.

There may be one to three in each cell at any given time, and they spawn at a 50 percent chance.

How To Tame Allays

Minecraft Allay Holding Players Item

Allays cannot technically be tamed like dogs or cats, but there are ways to ensure that an Allay will always return and follow the player in question.

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  • After players have found an Allay, they should hold any item they wish to receive and give it to the Allay by interacting with it.
    • The Allay will then look around and gather the exact same item and deliver it to the player.
    • These items need to be dropped, making them great for large farms that rely on transporting dropped items.
    • Players can also have Allays search for any missing items they may have misplaced in their world.
  • An Allay will follow the player that last offered it an item, which essentially is how these Minecraft creatures are tamed.
    • If the item is removed from the Allay by interacting with it again with an empty hand, the Allay will no longer follow them.

More On Allays And What They’re Used For

Minecraft Allay Flying Next To Noteblock

Only the sky is the limit when it comes to the utility Allays bring to players. As mentioned, they can be great at finding misplaced dropped items on the ground. They have quite a large radius of 64 blocks when it comes to honing in on a player and can seek items from a distance reaching up to 32 blocks away.

While there are some limitations (it needs to be a dropped item, and they are unable to go underwater), this can be a good advantage to a player.

Moreover, Allays make great friends at farms. They can transport dropped items from farms where crops are dropped. Not just that, Allays will also deliver items to any activated noteblock in the game, so players can for example place a hopper next to a noteblock, and the Allays will deliver any dropped item around the active noteblock to it, as seen in xisumavoid’s video.

As a fun bonus, an Allay will also do a little dance when it hears a jukebox playing.

Exclusive to the Bedrock Edition, Allays can teleport through a Nether portal. It can teleport through the End portal too, but only if players give it an item beforehand, and must be close to the player while teleporting.

Following the 1.19.1 update, Allays can now duplicate. To pull this off, give the Allay an Amethyst Shard while it’s dancing. It will make a heart and duplicate itself. This can be repeated after a five minute cooldown.

Minecraft is available on multiple platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and Android and iOS devices.

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#Find #Tame #Allays

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