One of my favorite display brightness-centric jailbreak tweaks of all time, AdvancedBrightnessSlider by iOS developer jschiefner, received an update to version 1.2.1 this week with support for rootless iOS & iPadOS 15 and 16 jailbreaks like Dopamine and palera1n.

Incorporate iOS’ Reduce White Point feature into the Control Center brightness slider.

As we showed you in our original review, AdvancedBrightnessSlider augments the capabilities of the native Control Center-based display brightness slider control by incorporating the native Reduce White Point feature into the slider so that you can dip your display brightness even lower than you can out of the box without having to fiddle with advanced options in the Settings app.

AdvancedBrightnessSlider dedicates the bottom portion of the slider to Reduce White Point, a feature that reduces the intensity of white colors in your display to make it seem darker than normal. With it, you can dim your screen even lower than you can with the basic display brightness settings, which is useful in pitch black environments where you don’t want your iPhone’s display light being a nuisance.

The threshold of the bottom portion of the display brightness slider can be adjusted to suit the user’s needs, so it can be as sensitive or not as you’d like.

The tweak can even modify the device’s native auto brightness feature to take the Reduce White Point feature into account, allowing your display to automatically dim below the native threshold without the user even having to lay a finger on the Control Center slider.

Since I use this tweak so often in the dark myself, it comes with an easy recommendation from me, and the novel rootless jailbreak support means that now I can use it on my Dopamine device and not just my checkra1n device.

If you’re interested in giving AdvancedBrightnessSlider a try for yourself, then you can download it for free from the Havoc repository via your favorite package manager app. The tweak supports jailbroken 13, 14, 15, and 16 devices.

Are you planning to take advantage of AdvancedBrightnessSlider? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.

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