In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you spend the early game earning unique abilities that will become essential on your quest to help Zelda and defeat Ganondorf.

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One possible upgrade you can earn is the Sensor+, which allows you to sense anything in your Hyrule Compendium just like you can sense Shrines! This opens up lots of wonderful possibilities, and we’re here to cover some of the very best ways you can take advantage.

6 Finding Shrines

Link standing in front of a shrine with Hyrule Castle in the background

The most obvious use of the Sensor+ is its original purpose: finding Shrines! In Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll need to put in a little work for that step. If you need help, check out our guide.

Since this is the Sensor’s intended use, we don’t have a ton of mind-blowing wisdom here. However, we do want to note that it’s easy to forget if you’ve switched the Sensor+ off of Shrines and on to something else. When you stop hunting whatever it was, it can just slip the mind to turn the Sensor+ back to sensing Shrines. Don’t let it go to waste!

5 Tracking Down Wells

tears of the kingdom link at the kara kara bazaar well

You may want to find Wells because you want to complete the quest Where Are The Wells?, or because some of them lead to caves with Bubulfrogs or valuable materials. Whatever your reason is, we’re here to support you in your hunt!

Once you take a picture of a Well, it will be added to your Hyrule Compendium! After that, you can set your Sensor+ to track them down on your behalf. Other than Shrines, this is the best one to have active whenever you’re just running around Hyrule.

The NPCs comment in-game that most Wells are in villages or other places of interest, but once you’ve hit all the obvious spots, you may run out of ideas. Thankfully, the Sensor+ has your back.

4 Warning You Of Powerful Enemies

Gloom Lynel in the depths of tears of the kingdom

If you’re the paranoid type, it can be hard to stay focused on a task when you’re worried about the constant looming monster threat. We can’t blame you, honestly. The Sensor+ should be able to relieve some of your anxiety.

RELATED: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – The Most Difficult Non-Boss Enemies

Once you’ve taken a picture of a monster, the Sensor+ can tell you when that species of monster is nearby. This talent can be used just about anywhere, but it’s especially useful in places like the Depths; you won’t run headfirst into a Frog without a little warning! The only complication is that there are usually multiple variants of a species, and the Sensor+ will only keep an eye out for one variant at a time.

3 Collecting Meat

tears of the kingdom sunny steamed meat selected in player inventory

There’s only so long that Link can live on delicious fried greens. Dishes cooked with meat will restore more health by using fewer ingredients.

Unfortunately, getting a significant stash of meat will involve tracking down animals in the wild. They’re slippery buggers, and each species has its own annoyance! Birds are easy to hit with an arrow when they’ve landed on the ground, but they’ll soar into the sky once you’ve disturbed them and become much harder to nail. Deer make a bigger target, but often wander through forests where trees can block your strikes.

Bears, of course, will fight back.

Most people prefer hunting one kind of animal or another. Whatever yours is, set your sensor to it when you pass through regions where it will roam. That way, hunting feels more natural, and not like a mindless grind you have to do every five hours or so.

2 Upgrading Your Gear

Tears of the Kingdom - The Stable Trotters playing for a great fairy

The process of upgrading your armor sets with the help of the Great Fairies is really long and arduous. At times, you’ll want to give up. There are just so many ingredients you need for each piece, and more full sets than there ever were in Breath of the Wild.

The Sensor+ can help take some of the pain away. When you need a particular resource for upgrading your gear, but haven’t managed to get your hands on it, you can tell the Sensor+ to track it (or the monster that drops it). This works well when you’re actively hunting down the ingredient, but it is also great when you’re doing other things, like completing side quests and filling out your map. Again, it makes the whole process feel less like a meaningless grind.

1 Mining

Link Breaks Ore Deposit And Finds A Diamond

Since you can photograph Ore Deposits for the Hyrule Compendium, it’s also easy to track them with your Sensor+. We recommend turning it on and venturing to a place you know that Ore Deposits (or Zonai Deposits or Luminous Stone Deposits) are likely to appear. Eldin (the region around Death Mountain) is a great place for this.

If you’re a particularly industrious player (or have the heart of a Dwarf straight out of the Mines of Moria), you’ve probably taken advantage of this already. That’s because you can set it to sense the Rare Ore Deposits (which are different than the regular Ore Deposits because they give you more valuable gemstones).

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