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Oracle Warns macOS 14.4 Can Cause Java to Terminate Unexpectedly

Last Update: March 16, 2024

Oracle this week warned that the macOS 14.4 update released earlier this month for Macs can cause Java processes to “terminate unexpectedly.”

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In a blog post on Friday, Oracle’s Senior Director of Product Management Aurelio Garcia-Ribeyro recommended that Apple silicon Mac users who rely on Java avoid updating to macOS 14.4 until the issue is resolved by Apple:

An issue introduced by macOS 14.4, which causes Java process[es] to terminate unexpectedly, is affecting all Java versions from Java 8 to the early access builds of JDK 22. There is no workaround available, and since there is no easy way to revert a macOS update, affected users might be unable to return to a stable configuration unless they have a complete backup of their systems prior to the OS update.

The blog post and bug report include more technical details about the issue.

Oracle says it has notified Apple about the issue. Apple did not immediately respond to our request for comment about the matter.

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