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Apple Shares Latest iOS 16 Usage Statistics Ahead of WWDC

Last Update: June 1, 2023

Apple today published its latest iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 adoption statistics, as measured by devices that transacted on the App Store on May 30. The numbers come just days ahead of WWDC, where Apple is expected to announce iOS 17.

General iOS 16 Feature Yellow
Most importantly, Apple says 81% of all active iPhones are now running iOS 16, up from 72% in February. 13% of active iPhones are still running iOS 15, and 6% are running an even older iOS version, according to the data. iOS 16 was released to the public in September and is compatible with the iPhone 8 and newer.

Apple adds that 71% of all active iPads are now running iPadOS 16, up from 50% in February.

iOS 16 Adoption June 2023
Around the same time last year, Apple revealed that 82% of all active iPhones were running iOS 15, so the usage statistics are very similar on a year-over-year basis. iOS 16 adoption will start to decline next week after Apple makes the first beta of iOS 17 available to members of its $99-per-year Developer Program for testing.

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