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Apple Releases Second Public Beta of macOS Ventura 13.5

Last Update: June 1, 2023

Apple today released the second beta of macOS Ventura 13.5 to its public beta testing group, allowing the general public to try out the software ahead of its official launch. The ‌macOS Ventura‌ 13.5 public beta comes a few days after Apple provided the second beta to developers.

Ventura Macs Feature Red
Public beta testers can download the macOS 13.5 Ventura update from the Software Update section of the System Preferences app after installing the proper profile from Apple’s beta software website.

There is no word as of yet on what’s included in ‌macOS Ventura‌ 13.5, and no notable new features were found in the developer betas.

We’re expecting to see Apple unveil macOS 14 in just two weeks at WWDC, and macOS 13.5 should be one of the last updates to Ventura that will tide users over until the public release of macOS 14 later this year.

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